We Are Mega Brasil Recursos Humanos

We are Mega Brasil RH, a Brazilian company with a strong presence in Human Resources, founded in 1995 in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. Our organization is focused on applying resources to foster the continuous development of professionals, helping them improve both their personal and professional performance, and contributing to the enhancement of business results.”
Whatever your field of expertise, whatever your area of interest, Mega Brasil RH has the solution
Our Solutions
➢ Recruitment and Selection of candidates for all areas and levels
➢ Outplacement
➢ Recruitment and Selection for managerial positions
➢ Headhunting
➢ Special and customized projects
Recruitment and Selection of personnel for all areas and levels
Our aim is to identify:
⇒ Candidates with the most suitable skills to perform the role.
⇒ Candidates with attitudes and behaviors that align best with the company’s culture and goals.
We seek professionals in the market that match the job profile.
We have technology that evaluates the candidate’s profile through tests.
In the Recruitment and Selection process, we work consultatively, going beyond just matching resumes and candidates: we assist in defining the job profile, designing an attractive compensation package, and outlining the role’s responsibilities.
Active engagement in the following areas: Sales, Marketing, Pharmaceutical, Retail, IT, Telecom, Human Resources, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Law, Engineering, Logistics, Operations, Real Estate, and Construction.
Benefits of investing in professional Recruitment and Selection:
⇒ A selection process designed according to the company’s needs and culture.
⇒ Recruitment and evaluation methods tailored to the job profile, ensuring a quick turnaround in presenting candidates.
⇒ Process developed by specialized professionals, ensuring high-quality service.
⇒ Greater accuracy in hiring, reducing turnover.
⇒ Prevents strain and exposure for the ‘company’ and its ‘managers.’
⇒ Understanding Recruitment and Selection as a strategic action.
This service is characterized by providing support, guidance, and assistance to professionals in developing strategies for their repositioning in the job market.
The goal is to place the professional back into the market.
The consultant works on enhancing the professional’s resume, elevating it to a highly competitive and appealing level, designing and aligning it with a differentiated and contemporary model.
The consultant also monitors the market and presents the resume to companies and projects within the professional’s area of expertise.
Recruitment and Selection for Managerial Levels
This service is characterized by the recruitment of distinguished professionals, either due to their hierarchical level or their expertise in a specific field.
The goal is to find professionals in the market with the know-how your company needs.
This service covers the recruitment of professionals at several hierarchical levels, from specialists to directors.
The focus is to provide your company with the best candidates for a specific position.
The recruitment consultants possess vast knowledge of the field, allowing your company to access top candidates for various roles.
A personalized approach to finding specific types of professionals in the market, usually for higher-level positions, with distinctive attributes and specialized know-how.
This is an intelligence-driven action, supported by a set of strategies. The service is led by a versatile and generalist consultant to search the market for specific types of professionals, typically for higher-level roles.
The actions applied in this work also involve market research to identify where these professionals are located, who possess unique professional and personal attributes for a specific position or specialization in a particular area.
Special and Customized Projects
These are projects carried out based on specific and unique demands.
We execute Recruitment & Selection services, including the collection of admission documents and directing the candidate for the Occupational Health Certificate (OHS).
We provide the hiring company’s HR department with a complete kit containing all the necessary documentation to proceed with the registration of the new employee.
For these projects, we dedicate a specific team and structure to ensure efficient and effective execution, leading to the project’s success.
We have several successful cases with this service model.

Nossa Missão
• Focar ações para resultados
• Inovar fundamentos para o crescimento
• Aplicar tecnologias avançadas em desenvolvimento
• Estimular as pessoas para a busca contínua da melhoria
• Compatibilizar ousadia, iniciativa, criatividade e realizações
• Compatibilizar interesse da empresa, do profissional e do cliente
Nosso Foco
• Identificar candidato com competências mais adequadas para exercer o cargo.
• Identificar candidato com atitudes e comportamentos mais adequados a cultura e objetivos da empresa.
• Atuação ativa nas seguintes áreas: Vendas, Marketing, Farmacêutico, Varejo, TI, Telecom, Recursos Humanos, Contabilidade, Finanças, Bancário, Direito, Engenharia, Logística, Operações, Imobiliário e Construção.
Nossos Diferenciais
• Soluções consultivas personalizadas •Network com profissionais atuantes
• Condução dinâmica e adaptável ao processo da sua empresa. .
• Consultores especializados nas disciplinas e respectivas indústrias.
Nossa Estrutura
• Para os processos de Seleção de Pessoal dispomos de salas climatizadas e toda estrutura para entrevistas individualizadas e ambientes para dinâmicas de grupos e todas as atividades relacionadas à seleção.
• Sistema totalmente informatizado e integrado, desde a captação de currículo até o processo da seleção do candidato em todas suas etapas.
Av. Anhanguera Nº5110, Ed. Moacir Telles, Sala 802, Centro – Goiânia – Go
+55 (62) 3091-3545